When any one is going through a trial, a challenging life change, there is no way to dig out of it or rise above it unless we determine to move forward in spite of it. There are lessons to be learned that can mold and shape us that will allow us to keep going and progressing in life.
I love clouds. I love how they change – their different shapes, sizes, colors, heights, etc. One minute they take a certain shape, and the next minute that shape is gone, transformed into something else or may have become shapeless and wispy. There are definite types of clouds we learn about in school, but no two clouds are totally alike, ever. I am fascinated by the look of clouds. From their majesty and threatening appearance in a storm to their softness in a sky of pure blue, they are remarkable creations. I’ve taken hundreds of pictures of clouds that seemed to call to me to notice them. I’ve learned things from clouds. Though they are constantly moving through the sky and ever changing, they are still clouds, part of God’s creations. No matter what terrible things happen in our lives, we are still human beings, children of God with a purpose. As the picture of the cloud above was shaped into a beautiful form by the wind at the end of a devastating and destructive wind storm, the lessons, our winds of change, can help us emerge more beautiful than we were before our own storms.